Gilbert Gottfried
Nope, he's never been mistaken as Johnny Depp, but nobody can mistake that voice for anyone else.
A Quick Look
2901 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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The Skinny
Gilbert Gottfried is coming to Las Vegas! His obnoxious, nasally voice dominates every stage he lands on, but believe it or not, not every person that hears that voice wants to dominate his face with their fist. He's actually got millions of fans out there, and after you see him in person, you'll probably be a fan as well.
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Quick Facts
- Gilbert Gottfried has been a stand up comic for over 30 years now!
- While he wasn't busy with his comic career, Gilbert Gottfried has had several acting gigs, like playing the voice of the parrot on Disney's Aladdin.
- Good ol' Gootfried will be performing in the Starlite Theatre. He's not alone in that though. Lot's of big names performed here in the hotel's prime. Like Mary Wilson of The Supremes. Oh, you haven't hear of them? Us either...
2901 Las Vegas Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89109
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