I'll keep this review short as it's not worth going into detail. I ended up getting food...
Aces of Comedy Las Vegas
Ho Ho Ha! I try to laugh once every day. It's nice when it's at someone else's expense for a change though.
A Quick Look
The Mirage Vegas
3400 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, US
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- Show Type: Comedy
- Rated: PG13
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The Skinny
The Aces of Comedy Las Vegas are some of the biggest names in the comedy scene. You probably know most of these big names from TV, and they're just as funny here. Comedians like Ron White, Aziz Ansari, Daniel Tosh, Ray Romano, Kathy Griffin, Jay Leno and Kevin James perform here. They'll make you laugh so hard you won't even need to hit the gym for your ab workout that day.
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Quick Facts
- The Aces of Comedy show Las Vegas are some of the funniest comedians, performing at the Mirage Resort and Casino.
- Jay Leno, Ray Romano, Ron White, Aziz Ansari, Seth Meyers, Ron White and a bunch of your other favorites are the Aces of Comedy Vegas comedians.
- Every Aces of Comedy Vegas show varies in price, time and age restriction.
- Additional comedians have been announced at the Mirage for the 2013 Aces of Comedy Series: Ron White, Aziz Ansari, Ray Romano, Bill Burr, Kathy Griffin, Wayne Brady, Jay Leno, Seth Meyers, Lewis Black, Terry BRadshwa, Jim Gaffigan, Daniel Tosh, Margaret Cho, and Ray Romano & Kevin James.
Show Website:
Show Dates:
Performance Times:
Shows vary from night to night and person to person. Pick the one that's right for you.
Running Time:
The Mirage Vegas
Mirage Resort and Casino
3400 Las Vegas Blvd S
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
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Age Restriction:
The Aces of Comedy show Las Vegas features some of the biggest names in comedy. If you watch any of these stand up comics on TV, you'll known what it's like to be the one in the crowd, but if you're in Vegas, you can experience it for yourself first hand.
What To Know:
We go to Aces of Comedy Las Vegas to laugh our @#$ off and see our favorite comedians. Plus, we like to look cute laughing in front of our date. It's easier to impress them with a comedian than to try to pretend to be funny and entertain them ourselves.
- Daniel Tosh: This may be one of the largely followed comedians in the Aces of Comedy show Las Vegas. He's got his own TV show, Youtube channels, and probably a larger following than Oprah. Well maybe not Oprah, you can't really compete with her.
- Kathy Griffin: Kathy Griffin has made such a successful living with her words and wit, even Casino Boy is jealous of her! Who wouldn't be jealous of this little firecracker though? She's all about the celebrity gossip, insults and the whole audience feels like they know her mom by the time they leave the Aces of Comedy Vegas show. How many comedians can say that?
- Seth Meyers: On his seventh season as head writer of SNL, even Casino Boy can't help but laugh at the crude Comedian Seth Meyers in Las Vegas. He'll be performing on June 15th and August 3rd, 2013 for the Aces of Comedy Series at the Mirage Terry Fator Theatre.
- Kevin James & Ray Romano: These are the guys from two of the most relatable comedies on television, The King of Queens and Everybody Loves Raymond. And here they are performing in Aces of Comedy show Las Vegas together. The show is 16 and up, and these two quirky fellas make a dynamic duo that you won't want to miss.
Inside Knowledge:
If you're taking someone to Aces of Comedy Las Vegas for a first date or on a bad hair day, try to go see someone like Seth Meyers or Ron White. It's tough to sit there and look worse than the guy on stage, so we avoid it. We like to pretend like we're the best looking guy in the room when the lights go out, even if another guy is doing all the entertaining.
Do's and Don'ts:
- Do Check Out Ron White: If you're looking for a cigar-smoking, scotch-drinking comedian. You might know this guy from "Blue Collar Comedy," but know he's performing 2-4 times a month in his Aces of Comedy Las Vegas show.
- Don't Take Your Children: All of the Aces of Comedy Las Vegas shows are 16 and up, and anyone under 18 has to be accompanied by an adult as well. This is Sin City after all, and comedy here is not always light, even though it's definitely not as crude here as it gets at some places.
Is it Worth It?
Yep. This is money well spent, especially if you're going to see someone you already know and love.User Average Review
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