How to Get a Drink QUICK in Vegas

I'm sad to say that Christmas is over, but thankfully we have something else to look forward to: New Years Eve in Vegas!
You're in Vegas, so when you go to the watering hole of your choice, you're expecting some liquid libations worth the big bucks you're spending. You deserve something a little stronger when you're paying top dollar on a drink and when you just spent the hollidays impressing your girlfriend/boyfriend's family, right? Well, that depends; there are certain moves that could have your bartender turning up his nose at the thought of taking your money, or at least making you wait until everyone else has been served.
When you're in Vegas, "waiting your turn" is pretty much the worst thing that could possibly happen to you (OK, so we're being a little dramatic), so here are a few ways to treat your bartender so that you're not left waiting for eternity at the end of the bar while even that creepy old guy gets to down his second Long Island of the morning before you.
Don't Cause a Ruckus
Obviously don't cause a scene in any way, shape or form (i.e. don't whoop and holler at your bartender to try to get their attention.) They see you there. They aren't ignoring the green in your hands on purpose. Chances are, they're just busy. Nobody likes to be yelled at, and definitely nobody wants to be bossed around by customers, either. Wait a minute before you decide you need to cause a scene in order to attract their attention.
Rather than get kicked out da' club, we recommend that you stand there politely, make eye contact (but not enough to be creepy or you're probably getting a virgin daiquiri) and perhaps show a little...ahem... skin. This may work on the guys, but we're not making any promises, ladies. As for the dudes, you know the deal - money talks.
It's Not Always Their Fault
Don't hate your bartender because they can't make your drink "strong" even though you gave them a semi-acceptable version of a wink and smirk. There are reasons that some bars can't make their drinks strong unless you order a double, and that's because most bars are required to do regulation pours, or it could cost them money (or their job.) It's not your bartender's fault that they can't get you drunk for cheap just because you asked. (But of course it never hurts to ask.) Just don't get mad or pouty when it doesn't work out for you, or you've blown all chances of getting on their good side. (We know, some bartenders just aren't good, and to those, we obviously give you the right to move on to the next bar.)
Don't Give a Skimpy Tip
If you're paying in cash and tipping by the drink, paying for a $9.50 drink, handing your bartender a $10 and telling her to "keep the change" is not going to get you a lot of attention in the future. If you're planning on giving terrible tips, definitely open a tab and save her the harsh reality for the end of the night. Or be a decent human being and learn how to tip your bartender properly. They aren't the ones setting the prices; so if those are what you're mad about, find a bar with better-priced drinks instead of making up for the drink prices by a lack of tipping. It works out better for everyone - their ego and your blood-alcohol level.
They Don't Want to Get Involved
You're on vacation. In Vegas. These bartenders probably aren't going to be your best friend forever since you don't live here, so don't try to hog their time. While we're on the topic, don't try to get them involved in your personal lives, either. Having a fight with your boyfriend at the bar? That's fine. Who hasn't been there? Don't ask your bartender to settle a domestic dispute, because that will definitely get him mingling at the other end of the bar, avoiding the two of you, for the rest of the evening.
Speaking of Couples...
Or you know, people you just met, (and all the other general things that happen in Vegas) if you're sucking face for 10 minutes and wonder why you still haven't received the offer of a drink yet, well... Don't make it awkward for everyone, especially your bartender. They aren't going to interrupt your PDA to help you out. You look like you're already doing fine on your own, so while they are going to spend more time getting a good time going for the rest of the bar, they are also avoiding awkward interactions with your public bedroom scene. Not only will they avoid you, but often times this could often get you cut off completely. Is any kiss worth one less Budweiser? That's debatable...
Bartenders Like To Chat
But only when they have the time. If you're the only one in the bar and the two of you are just standing around, don't hesitate to strike up a conversation. Not only does this ease the awkward tension in the room, but many times friendly patrons reap more benefits than just having someone to talk about sports and booze with while they're traveling. The perfect answer to "oh, you're making new cocktails all the time, what's the latest one you've perfected" is "here, how about I make it for you, and it's on the house since you didn't actually order it." This doesn't happen every time, but obviously it's more likely to happen when you've charmed your way into their heart while they had nothing better to do.
They Don't All Like Being Hit On
Nope, most people didn't become a bartender to pick up all the tourists coming into town for a night, so believe it or not, they are not trying to go home with you just because you happened to walk into their bar alone. If you're going to hit on a bartender in Vegas all night, at least give the girl (or guy) a big tip to make all that worth it. And don't expect to leave with more than you walked in with, other than a buzz, maybe.
Bartenders in Las Vegas have seen it all. Really, probably a lot more than other bartenders see. Don't try to be ultra coy and think you're going to weasel your way into better deals and stronger drinks, because for most people, that just doesn't work. Basically, think of your idea of a good customer and be that. If you don't like the prices, don't order the drinks. If you don't like the atmosphere, go to a different bar. Don't complain to your bartender, or loudly to everyone around you, and expect to get better service.
There are plenty of Vegas happy hours, cheap bars and Las Vegas coupons that can get you better deals on drinks. If pricing is your issue, take advantage of all of those great deals and of these late night cheap food options as well because we know you'll probably be needing something to cure that hangover tomorrow morning.
There's a different kind of bar (and many times, multiple different bars) in every hotel in Las Vegas, so as long as you know the kind of places you like to hang out in, you'll certainly find somewhere you don't mind staying for a few rounds, and that just makes life easier for everyone!
What are your tricks for staying on your bartenders good side when you're in Sin City? Let us know in the comments section below, on our Facebook page or on Twitter. Feel free to @ your favorite bars, and bartenders, to let them know what a great time you had with them and spread the word to other Cheapos.
I've had more than one friend tell me they never knew they were supposed to tip a bartender.