The Linq Announces a List of Vendors... Borders and Circuit City Suspiciously Absent

On Monday, The Linq Las Vegas announced the highly sort of-anticipated list of vendors that will open along with the official ribbon cutting ceremony next year. Actually, the announcement was a pretty big deal since it gives locals and tourists alike a preview of what they can expect once the Linq opens in 2013.
As it turns out, there's a pretty diverse collection of retail outlets and entertainment venues set to open at The Linq; then again, there are also a couple of highly questionable additions that, naturally, we're going to have to pick apart below.
So, let's take a look at the list of Linq Las Vegas vendors together, shall we?...
- Brooklyn Bowl: Yes, the highlight of The Linq will be a bowling alley. HOWEVER, not just ANY bowling alley; Brooklyn Bowl is different, as it combines a music venue and club atmosphere with a bowling alley and a rec center. If this sounds like the dry after-party you were forced to endure post-prom well, fear not: there WILL be booze. And odds are some pretty good music, too, as John Katsilometes of the Las Vegas Weekly pointed out that the original Brooklyn Bowl (in Williamsburg) has hosted the likes of Kanye West, M.I.A. and Adele.
So, while we're slightly surprised by the addition of Brooklyn Bowl, we also have to say that it's a pleasant surprise. That being said, is there any question that a Brooklyn Bowl in VEGAS won't be nearly as, um, what's a more articulate word for "cool"? And seriously, hardly anyone wears skinny jeans in Vegas... (Sorry, we've been sitting on that "skinny jeans" joke since 2009.)
- Chayo Mexicano: Another Mexican chain restaurant invades Sin City, this time in the form of Chayo Mexicano. The good news is that they'll have an outdoor patio to wine and dine; the other good news is that Chayo supposedly makes a mean Margarita. OK, the addition of Chayo Mexicano isn't remotely controversial, but, it's not gonna' get us all that excited, either. (What with Senor Frog's, Carlos N Charlie's and any other number of similar On the Border-like restaurants nearby.)
- Sprinkles: Ladies love cupcakes, men like making their ladies happy (and secretly also enjoy cupcakes). Good luck walking by this cupcake and ice cream chain on a hot summer afternoon without getting roped in by your better half...
- The Yard House: Love beer? Then you'll love this place. (Or at the very least like it.) The Yard House (also a chain - this is the third Yard House in Vegas) specializes in serving tons of beer varieties from a ton of taps. The Vegas Yard House sounds like a winner; Vegas Chatter says that it will include two stories of outdoor boozin' (and eatin'). We don't really have anything bad to say about this addition, though Cheapos should know that their menu generally runs on the high(-ish) side.
- Tilted Kilt: Because obviously there needs to be some ladies at The Linq. The Tilted Kilt has a Celtic-theme that includes beer, brats and babes. (And other 'B' words we can think of but will omit.) Servers at the Tilted Kilt wear kilts and, well, not much else. Essentially, it's a slightly more upscale Hooters with a marginally different menu. They DO, however, have a better beer selection than the typical Bud Light/Coors Light combo found at similar establishments, so expect some serious competition between the Kilt and Yard House come grand opening.
- F.A.M.E.: We're... we're not totally sure what F.A.M.E. is. But here's a video promoting it - if we had to guess we would say an Asian market-themed restaurant. Whatever it is, we're intrigued.
Oh, and there will be some shopping at The Linq, too. Ruby Blue will be selling women's accessories - jewelery, bags, stuff like that. As best we can tell, KOTO will be selling upscale knick-knacks, souvenirs and ... well, we'll figure out the rest once we get there. And finally, Bella Scarpa is a footwear store that specializes in upscale imports.
So, while this is by no means the full list of Linq Las Vegas tenants, it's the first look at what we can expect to see at the most buzzed-about project on the Strip. What do you think, Cheapos? Are you more or less excited for the Linq now that you know a few of the venues that will comprise it? Tell us in the comments section below, or visit us on Facebook and Twitter to offer your two cents on the subject.
Any addition is a good addition. Now bring on the coupons!
That seems weak.