Which Sin City Myths are True, and Which are FALSE - Vol. 2

(Editor's Note: A few too many moons ago with the help of Cheapo Vegas readers, Casino Boy squared away 10 Las Vegas myths that every first-timer believes to be true as either fact or fiction. Since we love sequels, we decided to run a good idea back with a slightly-worse second version. So without further ado, let's clarify 10 seven more Las Vegas myths that most first-timers believe to be true about Sin City...)
1.) If you're a white adult male over the age of 21, you're required by LAW to yell, "Vegas, baby, Vegas!" as soon as you merge onto Las Vegas Blvd. for the first time.
False. But, let's face it; it may as well be true. Get it out of your system the first time, then never again.
2.) The cheap hotels are all Downtown!
We sort of covered this one last time around, albeit in regards to slots. However, yes; by-and-large the cheapest hotels in Vegas are Downtown. That being said, you can find some really cheap hotels on The Strip, too. Seriously, if you can stay at a hotel that's on par with the likes of Paris, Planet Hollywood and the Luxor for the same amount anywhere else in the world, let us know so we can book a flight.
Oh, and if you can even pitch a tent in the woods for the same cost as a night at the El Cortez, then that's a deal, too. So, yeah, Downtown Vegas hotels are cheaper, but hotels in Vegas are on average much cheaper than any other major American city.
3.) If you're not 21, you just gotta' sit down at the Blackjack table like you own the joint and they won't say anything to you.
Feel free to punch whoever told you this in the face while you're being tossed from the tables.*
*(Editor's Note: Don't feel free to do this.)
4.) High-rollers are the only ones that get the comps!
Also false. Casino members get the comps, too. How do you make that happen?
It depends on the casino, but for the most part there are designated desks on the casino floor marked 'Member Services' (or MLife, Total Rewards, etc.) where you can sign up to receive your free membership card. Once you do that, make sure to hand your card over to the pit boss while betting at the tables, or place it in the slot machine or video poker machine (or whatever) you're playing to earn points on your card.
Once you start racking up the points at your card-specific casinos, the comps start coming in. And why wouldn't they? The casinos WANT you to gamble under their roof - that's where they make almost all of their big money! So, by throwing you a bone here and there with free rooms, buffet passes or drink tickets, they're making it all the more likely that you'll be coming back to their casino floor.
And hey, if you're going to gamble anyways, why not keep going back to your favorite casino, earn some points and grab some freebies? It's a win/win, really, unless of course you lose...
5.) There's no cheap food on The Strip!
False. There're definitely some cheap eats to be had on The Strip and definitely ways to only spend $30 a day on food, you just have to know where to look. Here are a few of our favorites... (And, calling all Cheapos, please let us know where your favorite cheap eats on The Strip are in the comments section below! Come on, we asked nicely...)
- Earl of Sandwich at Planet Hollywood (and now the Palms) offers delicious (and decent-sized) $5.99 sandwiches 24 hours a day.
- The Tequila Bar at Bally's has cheap tacos all day, everyday. And if a liquid lunch is in order, they also have tasty Margaritas and tequila shots.
- Pink's Hot Dogs just down the street has huge (and, in some cases, extremely messy) hot dogs, many of which are named after the celebs that (supposedly) frequent this Vegas hot dog joint. Believe it or not, our favorite is the Kardashian Dog, which is like a BLT with guacamole on a bun. They also have some decent beer bucket deals, so you can grab a seat outside and watch the crazies walk by while sucking down a few cold ones.
- The Burger Bar at Mandalay Bay (up the escalator from the House of Blues) is a
hiddengem for beers and burgers on this end of The Strip, and you can grab one of their Black Angus Beef burgers and a shake for around $16 or so. (Editor's Note: You will be extremely full if you do this. Pencil in a post-Burger Bar nap upon completion.)
6.) There's tons of free music in Vegas!
Again, we're not really sure why you're yelling at us but yes, this is true.
How do you get a few would-be gamblers to walk into your casino? Well, aside from go-go dancers, you get a band and you put them in a corner to jam out a little classic rock and appease the masses. Exciting? Not really. Entertaining? If your bank account is in the red and your blood alcohol level is approaching double digits, absolutely.
While most of the free music is limited to (oftentimes surprisingly talented) cover bands, Vegas attractions like the Fremont Street Experience attract some decent names (if you love hair metal, that is).
7.) Guys pay more to get into clubs in Vegas.
Guys pay more to get into clubs everywhere on the planet Earth. And despite the rumors, Las Vegas is in fact on the Earth, so yeah, dudes can expect to pay about double the cover charge at all those ritzy clubs and pool parties on the weekends. Sorry, bro. There are however, some cool Las Vegas Party Tours you can check out to avoid some of the cover charges and party like a VIP for cheap!
There you have it, Las Vegas first-timer - now you're even more equipped to pop your Sin City cherry without too many surprises. Then again, if you missed Part One, check it out here, and if you're a Vegas veteran reading for fun, be sure to add your own opinion to the discussion below, or on Facebook and Twitter!