New Las Vegas Stamp Too Tame for Sin City

An unlikely side of Sin City is featured on a new stamp by the United States Postal Service. The new Las Vegas stamp is part of the USPS's Earthscapes Forever stamp collection, a new stamp series being released during October since, hey! hey! it's National Stamp Collecting Month. You didn't get the memo?
Several stunning aerial and satellite shots including images of an Alaskan glacier, Mount St. Helens and Yellowstone Park in the collection could convince us to not start collecting stamps. We were even more unlikely to start dishin' our dollars for these little adhesives when we found out a shot of Las Vegas is included!
So how much of the Strip made it onto the stamp? none of it.
The USPS chose to use an aerial shot of a suburb in Clark County for the stamp instead of one of the many bright and iconic Las Vegas Strip hotels. Instead of The Palms or Bellagio, Vegas is represented by identical suburban houses and swimming pools.
Wait...what? Suburbs in Vegas? Preposterous.
It's safe to assume that exactly 99.997% of Americans think of neon lights and the Strip when they think of Vegas. Or they completely try to forget it, but that's an entirely different story... The point is, Las Vegas is a city of glitz, glamour and debauchery. It IS called Sin City after all. What's the deal with the boring the stamp?
We get that people actually live in Las Vegas and that the bright lights and flash of the Strip don't define those who live there, but that's way deeper than Casino Boy is willing to think. People love Vegas because there is no place like it on Earth! Where else can you wake up in a pyramid, gamble in a castle and romp around an indoor amusement park in the same day? Nowhere, that's where!
What do you think Cheapos? Is the stamp a good representation of Las Vegas or do you think that the USPS botched the job? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Big Fat Fail on USPS part. This could be mine town in Southern Indiana. They could have used the Hoover Dam or anything that would make it stand out as vegas... but this I would be embarressed to even mail my electric bill with.
I live in the U.K. And been to Vegas many times, this could be anywhere in the world. What a load of crapo!
I think it's dumb. It looks like every other suburban city in America. USPS FAIL.